You Have Value

A few hours before writing this, I made a video of me talking about my online improv classes. Essentially, I made a commercial marketing myself.

That may not sound like a super big deal. People make videos all the time. However, for me, it feels like a really big deal. Not because the mechanics of shooting, editing, and posting it were all that difficult. 

What I'm proud of is how I was able to turn the camera on myself and talk about something I offer (my improv teaching) as having value for others. This is not something that at all comes naturally to me.

This is because I have an overinflated sense of humility that keeps me very far away from anything that even closely resembles ‘bragging.’ 

I have always been under the impression that humility is a keystone trait to strive for and maintain. Being humble is what I’m supposed to do, right? But I've clearly taken it way too far.

The idea of marketing or promoting my work or myself has historically felt wrong. So, I stayed away from it. And just like a muscle that atrophies due to lack of use, my ability to say with any confidence that I made something worth your attention had faded out of existence.

And what I’ve learned the past couple of years as I’ve slowly but surely tried to build this muscle back up, is that there is a big difference between ‘bragging’ and recognizing my own value. Just because I tell you that my improv classes are awesome, doesn’t mean I’m doing anything wrong.

Quite the opposite. You see, my improv classes bring value to people's lives (even typing this out feels uncomfortable). I have a lot of students who clearly think what I have to offer is worth their time and money. If I had never created these classes and told people about them, my students would not have this thing right now that they obviously enjoy.

I follow a YouTuber named Ryan George. I love his videos. I would miss them if he didn't make them. If he hadn't had the guts to make videos and put them out there for people to see, I would be without them. So, I'm thankful for his videos in the same way that some people are thankful for my classes. 

We all have something to offer the world that's worthy of attention. We have gifts to present that very well may change some people's lives for the better. Gifts that people would be grateful for. 

We all have value.

But if we let the fear of bragging prevent us from sharing that with others, like I have historically done, we are doing a disservice to ourselves and everyone else.

I sincerely hope you can see the value you bring to the table. And I encourage you to try to talk about it. Promote and market what you do, because what you do may very well benefit others. 

If you're like me it will feel very strange at first, but after that muscle gets strong and you're able to more comfortably know your value and talk about it, I know you'll be glad you put in the time.

Stay curious!



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