
Showing posts from July, 2021

To My 30s: A Letter of Gratitude and Goodbye

Dear My 30s, Since July 22nd, 2011 we've had quite the ride together. At that time, I was working on the cruise ship - The Pride of America. We were in Kauai and the whole Second City cast and many other friends from the ship went to the one movie theatre to see Captain America: The First Avenger which had just come out. Fun night. And now, my 30s,  we have less than two weeks left together, so I wanna say... Thank you. Thank you for all the growth. Thank you for the fun. Thank you for the hard times, the massive swings in fortune, the victories, the losses, and even the pain. It all got me here. Together we've weathered some of the worst depressive episodes and panic attacks I've ever had. We've seen me with the most savings I ever had and the most debt I've ever had. We've seen so many potential opportunities fall through the cracks all for different reasons. And many other wonderful opportunities blossom into something cool. It's been a wild roller coaste