
Showing posts from June, 2021

The Morning Fun Challenge

As an adult, it is very easy for me to look at my day as a series of obligations.  Like, I wake up with a debt of time and effort I need to pay in before bed that night. Thinking about any given day this way feels heavy and not very fun. This pattern exacerbates my anxiety and depression more and more over time. So, recently (a couple of weeks before publishing this post) I started saying the phrase 'How much fun can I have today?' just after waking up...and it's really helped. =) This morning mantra is not an excuse to skip out on tasks for the day. It's not me clearing my schedule to jump into a Ferris Beuller's Day Off kind of situation. That would get very unsustainable super quickly. Rather, it's me thinking about how I can inject the most fun into my day given what all I have to do. Examples:  -When I go from my bedroom to my office, I can put on some upbeat music and dance my way over there rather than walk. -Whenever I walk by a mirror, I can stop and ma

You Have Value

A few hours before writing this, I made a video of me talking about my online improv classes . Essentially, I made a commercial marketing myself. That may not sound like a super big deal. People make videos all the time. However, for me, it feels like a really big deal. Not because the mechanics of shooting, editing, and posting it were all that difficult.  What I'm proud of is how I was able to turn the camera on myself and talk about something I offer (my improv teaching) as having value for others. This is not something that at all comes naturally to me. This is because I have an overinflated sense of humility that keeps me very far away from anything that even closely resembles ‘bragging.’  I have always been under the impression that humility is a keystone trait to strive for and maintain. Being humble is what I’m supposed to do, right? But I've clearly taken it way too far. The idea of marketing or promoting my work or myself has historically felt wrong. So, I stayed away